Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Unwritten story

Unwritten story...
that's describing for this note, something I don't have to write this.
wake up in early morning, go to work. suddenly I think what's this for..
actually everyone doing work for the money, rite...!!!
But I don't think so, is not the meaning I don't need the money.
But.. I really want get something as I want, I mean a kind of work that I want.
maybe at this time it just to pass this bridge to find that my dreams come true on next..

Just go a Head.. there's a bright future will find me or I'll find it. Life is so short, just enjoying currently time with smile and spirit. we don't know what's gonna happen on next time..
I'm ready, yes ready to face of all.. Going out in the morning and will back home at night with always hope will stay always at home to spend all whole day with some one who will be my best soulmate forever...